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The Anatomy

of Inefficiency

Celonis partnered with CNN International Commercial for this digital content campaign in 2021. The objective of the article was to highlight the gaps between average performing and top-performing businesses and to capture the value of Process Mining when it comes to breaking through bottlenecks and optimising process performance. 

My Role

Art direction

UI design


CNN  |  Celonis

Heading typeface

Subheading typeface


Visual Focus

My goal through art direction was to highlight these performance gaps through the use of witty comparison visuals and animations using a cut-out style of black and white imagery. Colour was used as a visual aid to clearly define to the audience the data of average performing and top-performing businesses. 

Additonal shots

Early Concept  |  2 Animation Storyboards

Final Site Animations

Beginning of Article  |  Mobile & Desktop

Beginning of Article 

Traffic Driver

Additional shots

Next Project


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