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Smart Starts

A 2018 campaign to showcase how IBM’s smart technologies are helping businesses, big and small, to create positive change in Africa. The campaign, Smart Starts consisted of 3 stories which all featured illustrated visuals to bring IBM’s technologies to life. I created all illustrations for this campaign as well as art directing and designing the site. Each illustration was designed using IBM’s colour palette in the same style to unify the campaign, with each article featuring its own unique colour theme.

My role

Art direction

UI design




Heading & Paragraph Font


The 3 Stories

Where The Water Flows. Discover how an international partnership used an IBM innovation to help transform the future of clean water access in Kenya.

Small Loans, Big Dreams. Learn how an app developed with IBM is helping small-scale vendors and farmers in Kenya to get better a financial footing.

The Light Shines In The Cloud. How a start-up from Lagos is working with IBM to provide Nigerians with a reliable electricity supply.

Additonal shots

Traffic Drivers

Site Menu

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

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